Saturday, July 27, 2024

Visualizing Power in a Post-Kitsch World

The term 'kitsch' describes that element of 'poor taste' often seen in chintzy, factory-made objects intended to stir strong emotions in consumers who experience...
Obama and Crowd

Belle Epoque

“Three hundred miles beyond the end of telegraph cables and mail-boat lines, the haggard utilitarian lies of our civilization wither and die, to be...

Do We Need a Popular Front Against Contemporary Fascism?

‘Fascism’ today is an invective and a tool of propaganda rather than a concept helping us to understand matters. Yet the lockdowns in the name of...

Katharine Gun on Julian Assange

In a few days, Home Secretary Priti Patel will announce whether or not Wikileaks Founder, journalist and publisher Julian Assange should be extradited to...
Graeme MacQueen Remembrance

Remembering Graeme MacQueen: by Kevin Ryan

A short article of remembrance by Kevin Ryan. Orignally published at Dig Within. In the summer of 2006, at the newly formed Journal of 9/11 Studies, we...
Canadian Trucker Convoy

Coutts Four Denied Bail, in Prison in Canada for over 500 Days without Trial....

Over five hundred and twenty-five days ago, between the evening of February 13 and afternoon of February 14, 2022, four men were arrested for...

Cookie Cutter Propaganda and Herd Mentality in an Era of Geopolitical Transformation

Introduction In the midst of the current global instability that features geopolitical flashpoints around the world, and as the system of international relations and power...

Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State

This article has now been developed into a book, published with Skyhorse in June 2024. The book provides full and detailed analysis of the continuities between...

Propaganda and Trauma

Geoff was on the 106th Floor of the World Trade Centre’s north tower. The attacks on America of September 11th 2001 were viewed in real-time by...
Cyril Ramaphosa

Propaganda, External Actors, and the South African Elections

In the wake of the International Court of Justice's ruling that there is a plausibility of genocide being committed by Israel in Gaza, it...