Saturday, July 27, 2024

Our Team


Piers Robinson
Dr. Piers Robinson is a co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Media and Propaganda, associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global ‘War on Terror’, member of Panda and BerlinGroup21. He researches and writes on propaganda, conflict and media and was Chair/Professor in Politics, Society ad Political Journalism, University of Sheffield, 2016-2019, Senior Lecturer in International Politics (University of Manchester 2010-2016) and Lecturer in Political Communication (University of Liverpool, 1999-2005).
Daniel Broudy
With a doctorate in applied psycholinguistics and experience as an imagery analyst, Daniel Broudy lectures in areas ranging from communication theory to visual rhetoric and from composition to rhetorical grammar. His research focuses on sounds, symbols, signs, images, and colors as tools deployed by centers of power to shape knowledge and influence human perception and emotion. Selections of his scholarly work can be found at ResearchGate. Daniel is an Associate Researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global ‘War on Terror’.


Mark Crispin Miller
Mark Crispin Miller is a professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, where he has taught courses on media (including cinema) and propaganda since 1997. (He has not been allowed to teach his propaganda course since 2020, when he came under fire for having urged the students in that course to read through all the scientific literature on masking.) He is the author of many books—including Boxed In: The Culture of TV, The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder, and Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform—and scores of essays and articles. He also was the editor of the Forbidden Bookshelf, a series of important works that had slipped out of print, and now are available again as e-books. Since the COVID crisis started, he has given dozens of interviews, on podcasts all around the world. A recipient of grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Ingram Merrill Foundation, Miller maintains a daily list-serve, and a Substack column, both called News from Underground. One may join the former at, and/or subscribe to the latter at
Tim Hayward
Tim Hayward is a social and political philosopher whose books include Ecological Thought: an introduction (Polity, 1995), Constitutional Environmental Rights (OUP 2005) and Global Justice & Finance (OUP 2019). His current work examines the influence of strategic communications on the development of norms of international justice. As a founding member of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media, his studies of propaganda in action have led to academic publications on ‘conspiracy theory’, ‘disinformation’, and academic duties of due epistemic diligence. Tim maintains a personal blog and Twitter account. He is Professor of Environmental Political Theory at the University of Edinburgh.
Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Oliver Boyd-Barrett is Professor Emeritus (Journalism and Public Relations) from Bowling Green State University, Ohio and (Communication) from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. His first book, The International News Agencies, was published by Constable/Sage in 1980, and its French sister, Le Traffic des Nouvelles (with Michael Palmer) by Alain Moreau, in 1981. Since 2000 he has focused on issues of war and propaganda. Recent titles include Hollywood and the CIA (Routledge), Media Imperialism (Sage), Western Mainstream Media and the Ukraine Crisis (Routledge), Russiagate and Propaganda (Routledge), Media Imperialism: Continuity and Change (Rowman and Littlefield)(with Tanner Mirrlees), Conflict Propaganda in Syria (Routledge). Two current projects deal with Russiagate: Aftermath of a Hoax (Palgrave), and Afghanistan: Aftermath of Imperial Occupation (provisional).
Greg Simons
Dr. Greg Simons is an Associate Professor based at Uppsala University in Sweden. His research is focused upon a number of interrelated areas, namely the communicated interpretation and representation of people, places, events and processes in international relations. This includes the use of the disciplinary lenses as political marketing, crisis communications, propaganda, PR, information warfare, political warfare and geopolitics to uncover the 21st century transformations in global politics and geopolitics. A number of his publications can be found here - (8) Greg Simons | Uppsala University -
Richard Ellefritz
Richard G. Ellefritz is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of The Bahamas. He earned his Ph.D. in sociology at Oklahoma State University after successfully defending his dissertation on how the conspiracy label is used to avoid offering direct and rigorous rebuttals to empirical claims made by so-called conspiracy theorists. His research interests range from conspiracy discourse to pedagogical techniques, and his main occupational focus is on teaching a variety of courses in the social and behavioral sciences.
Valerie Kyrie
Working in the areas of political psychology, the psychology of atrocity, and psychological operations, Valerie Kyrie holds a doctorate in psychology on the topic of reality-perception and its manipulation. She has contributed to work in the areas of international human rights, media, advocacy and policy, focusing on the deceptions, tactics and machinations underpinning collective violence and atrocity. Her most recent work analyses bio-tech intrusions on human biology. Valerie is an Associate Researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global ‘War on Terror’.
Elizabeth Woodworth
Elizabeth Woodworth is highly engaged in climate change science and activism. She has published 42 articles on Global Research, is co-author of "Unprecedented Climate Mobilization", "Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival," and co-producer of the COP21 video “A Climate Revolution For All.” She is author of the popular handbook on nuclear weapons activism, “What Can I Do?” and the novel, "The November Deep". For 25 years, she served as head medical librarian for the BC Government. She holds a BA from Queen's and a Library Sciences Degree from UBC.
David Ray Griffin
David Ray Griffin (1939 - 2022) was Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University (1973-2004); Co-Director, Center for Process Studies. He edited the SUNY Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought (1987-2004), which published 31 volumes. He wrote 30 books, edited 13 books, and authored 250 articles and chapters. His most recent books are The American Trajectory: Divine or Demonic; Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World; and Unprecedented: Can Humanity Survive the CO2 Crisis?
Claudia Chaufan
Claudia Chaufan, MD (University of Buenos Aires), PhD Sociology/Philosophy (University of California Santa Cruz), is Associate Professor of Health Policy and Global Health at York University in Canada, past US Fulbright Scholar in Public/Global Health, past Graduate Program Director in Health, and current Special Advisor to the Dean of the York Faculty of Health in Curriculum Internationalization. Retired for medical practice in her native Argentina, Dr. Chaufan works in the tradition of critical social, health, and policy studies. Her research includes comparative health policy, the geopolitical economy of global health, and medicalization and social control. Current projects include the politics of sanctions policy, medicalization and social control in the Covid-19 crisis, and active learning and critical pedagogy in higher education.
Kees van der Pijl
Kees VAN DER PIJL was a lecturer in International Relations at the University of Amsterdam and from 2000, professor at the University of Sussex, UK until 2012. His books have appeared in Dutch, English, Spanish, German, Turkish and Russian, and include The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class (1984, new edition 2012), and Global Rivalries from the Cold War to Iraq (2006). The Discipline of Western Supremacy (2014) and Flight MH17, Ukraine and the New Cold War (2018) States of Emergency. Keeping the Global Population in Check (2022). He has edited several collections, most recently the Handbook of the International Political Economy of Production (2015).
Adam Broinowski
Dr Adam Broinowski, researcher, lecturer, writer. Adam is currently based at the School of Culture, History and Language in the College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University. He researches Political Aesthetics, Cultural Politics and Modern and Contemporary History and Politics with a focus on East Asia and the Asia-Pacific. He successfully completed a three year research project on the social and cultural responses to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in the post-1945 nuclear age. His work is published in a research monograph - Cultural Responses to Occupation in Japan: The Performing Body during and after the Cold War (Bloomsbury Academic, 2016) - many peer-reviewed and popular journal articles and media articles. He also has extensive theatre-making experience.
Katharine Gun
Former Mandarin Chinese linguist and analyst at GCHQ.
Fredrick Ogenga
Fredrick Ogenga is Associate Professor of Media and Security Studies at Rongo University and Founding Director of the Center for Media, Democracy, Peace and Security. He is also President and CEO of the Peacemakers Corps Foundation, Kenya. Ogenga is a 2014 Africa Peacebuilding Network Grantee and 2016 Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Scholar, Washington DC. He is a former Visiting Researcher at the African Studies Center at Boston University and at the Institute of Policy Research at University of Bath. Ogenga was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Witwatersrand and has widely published in the areas of media, peace and security. Currently, he champions African Peace Journalism through Pan-African institutional  approaches to media and peacebuilding in Africa grounded in the philosophies of Utu (humanity), Umoja (Unity), and Harambee (collective responsibility) all of which are in his latest edited book Peace Journalism in East Africa: A Manual for Media Practitioners (Routledge 2019). Ogenga has developed a new MSc and PhD program in Media and Security Studies at Rongo University through the Center for Media, Democracy, Peace and Security.
Joan Pedro-Caranana
Joan Pedro-Carañana is in the Department of Journalism and New Media of the Complutense University of Madrid. He has a European doctorate in Communication, Social Change and Development. His interest lies in the role of communication, education and culture both in the production of hegemony and in emancipatory social change. He is co-editor of El Modelo de Propaganda y el Control de los Medios, The Propaganda Model Today: Filtering Perception and Awareness, and Talking Back to Globalization: Texts and Practices. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Latin Union of Political Economy of Communication, Information and Culture (
Graeme MacQueen
Graeme MacQueen (1948 - 2023) received his Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from Harvard University. He subsequently became founding Director of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Canada, and he oversaw peace-building projects in four war zones. After 2005 he concentrated on the study of two related 2001 deep state events: the 9/11 airplane attacks and the subsequent anthrax scare. He served on the 9/11 Consensus Panel, was a co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies, and was an organizer of the 2011 Toronto Hearings on 9/11. Many of his publications on deep state events can be found on the Internet.
Ray McGinnis
Ray McGinnis is author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored (2021). Previously, he authored Writing the Sacred: A Psalm-inspired Path to Appreciating and Writing Sacred Poetry (2005). Since 1999, Ray has taught journal writing workshops for people dealing with grief and loss, to first responders and in health care facilities. He has also taught poetry writing and memoir workshops across North America. Ray is interested in the stories we tell, the narratives we trust, and how this shapes our world. This includes not just personal stories, but news headline like the Narrative about September 11, and other headlines that saturate citizens with slanted media messages. Earlier in his career, Ray was a program staff in education for the United Church of Canada, serving in several congregations, as well as at the denominations national office (1986-95). He lives in Vancouver, Canada.
Christopher A. Shaw
Christopher A. Shaw is a neuroscientist whose research focuses on Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) using several models of the disease to explore possible environmental and genetic triggers of the disease. A second theme, related to the first, is to examine the role of aluminum in various neurological diseases, from Autism Spectrum Disorder to neurological diseases of older age. He did his undergraduate work at the University of California, Irvine and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of over 150 peer-reviewed articles, numerous book chapters and edited books, and has authored two books on neurological diseases and a recent book about vaccine issues, including those related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Matthew Witt
Matthew Witt, Ph.D., Professor of public administration at the University of La Verne, teaches courses in urban theory, public health and administrative ethics. In addition to work examining racism and public institutions published in leading journals, he is co-editor of State Crimes Against Democracy: Political Forensics in Public Affairs (Palgrave-Macmillan Press, 2013). His piece, “Greta and the Great Reset: Making Emergencies Work” (May 2022), appears in the American Journal of Economics & Sociology. He will co-edit the forthcoming symposium, The New Leviathan: How Supra-National Institutions Usurp Democracy and the Rule of Law.
Colin Alexander
Colin Alexander, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in Political Communications at Nottingham Trent University. He has spent much of his academic career writing about propaganda and political communications more broadly in various historical and contemporary circumstances. Beyond this, he is interested in communication ethics, critical philanthropy studies, colonialism and the British colonial experience. He is the author of China and Taiwan in Central America: Engaging Foreign Publics in Diplomacy (2014) and Administering Colonialism and War (2019). He is also the editor of The Frontiers of Public Diplomacy: Hegemony, Morality and Power in the International Sphere (2021). During the pandemic he became one of the most prominent in-post British academics to critically discuss the role of propaganda in manufacturing public compliance. His Coronavirus Propaganda blog series is available here:
Daniel Espinosa
Daniel Espinosa is a Peruvian writer and journalist. He is a columnist for Hildebrandt en sus trece, an independent Peruvian news weekly, and is the author of Propaganda Pura y Dura, his first book (in Spanish).
Stephan Sander-Faes
Stephan Sander-Faes is Associate Professor in Early Modern History at the University of Bergen, Norway. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Graz, Austria, in 2011 and obtained the Habilitation in Early Modern and Modern History from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in 2018. Before moving to Scandinavia in 2020, he taught for ten years at the history departments at the Universities of Zurich and Fribourg, as well as held the István Deák Visiting Professorship in East Central European Studies at Columbia University in 2018. His research focuses on Central and Eastern Europe, in particular on how state and non-state actors shaped shaped the transformation of states and (vs.) societies.
David A. Hughes
With doctorates in German Studies and International Relations, David A. Hughes lectures in areas including security studies, international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, globalization, and US exceptionalism. His research focuses on psychological warfare, "9/11," "COVID-19," the deep state, intelligence crime, technocracy, resurgent totalitarianism, and the class relations behind psychological operations. Selections of his work can be found on David is an Associate Researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global "War on Terror."
Jared A. Ball
Jared A. Ball is a Professor of Communication and Africana Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. and author of The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power (Palgrave, 2020). Ball is also host of the podcast “iMiXWHATiLiKE!”, co-founder of Black Power Media which can be found at, and his decades of journalism, media, writing, and political work can be found at
Dennis Riches
Dennis Riches studied French language, history and literature, and language pedagogy and applied linguistics during his undergraduate and graduate studies. Since 2004, he has taught English and modern history at Seijo University in Tokyo. In recent years, he has done translations and written extensively on his personal blogs, and some of those articles have been published in the online journals Global Research and The Greanville Post. He authored the book Sayonara Nukes: The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons, which was published in 2018 by the Center for Glocal Studies at Seijo University.
Matt Campbell
Matt Campbell's brother Geoff was murdered on 9/11. He was on the 106th floor of the north tower. Over the years Matt has been campaigning for justice for his brother putting pressure on both the authorities in the US and the UK. On August 26th 2021, the Campbell family submitted a 2,500 page application under the UK Coroners Act 1988 to the UK Attorney General requesting a new inquest into Geoff's death. Matt has a BSc in Theoretical Physics and MSc in Non-linear Mathematics (University of Liverpool); and an MSc in Scientific Applications Software (Cranfield University).
David Bell
Dr David Bell is a clinical and public health physician with a PhD in population health and background in internal medicine, modelling and epidemiology of infectious disease. Previously, he was Director of the Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund in the USA, Programme Head for Malaria and Acute Febrile Disease at FIND in Geneva, and coordinating malaria diagnostics strategy with the World Health Organization. David maintains that accurate data and balanced evidence is available to the public, and other decision-makers, in order to make decisions that are in everyone’s best interests. He is a member of PANDA and the Brownstone Institute.
Hügo Krüger
Hügo Krüger is a Structural/Nuclear Engineer with working experience in a variety of energy related projects ranging from nuclear, oil and gas industry to renewable energy. Hügo is also a writer and YouTube podcaster, commenting and interviewing guests on a variety of topics relating to Engineering, Energy, Climate, Propaganda, and Geopolitical Matters. His writing has appeared on a variety of outlets including Biznews, Spiked, Rapport, Rational Standard, Quillette and New Geography.
Tim Norman
Tim Norman lives on the south coast of England and began his career in technology journalism in the 1990s writing about the then-emerging internet. He has worked in editorial production roles for local, national and international media and on daily, weekly and monthly publications. A member of the NUJ, he was Father of the Chapel at The Argus in Brighton when the newspaper went on strike in 2011.
Christopher Melley
Christopher Daniel Melley has taught undergraduate philosophy since 1984, at Green Haven Correctional Facility, Dutchess Community College SUNY, Marist College, the University of Maryland University College, and a host of other colleges online. He completed an MA in philosophy at Columbia University; then earned a PhD at the University of Saarbruecken, Germany. Concentrating on issues relating to healthcare ethics, he has enjoyed forays into other areas, such as logic, time, language, and more recently, writing a series of dialogues in the spirit of Socrates as well as a play set along the German-French border. He has spent most of his life in the US, Germany, and is now in Okinawa, Japan. He has recently revived his life-long interest in percussion.
David Miller
David Miller is an investigative researcher, broadcaster, and academic. He is the founder and co-director of the lobbying watchdog Spinwatch and editor of David is also Producer of a weekly show, Palestine Declassified, on PressTV, and he is a regular columnist at al Mayadeen English. David was unjustly sacked by Bristol University at the behest of the Zionist movement.
Aaron Good
Aaron Good is a political scientist and the host of the American Exception podcast on Patreon. He is also the author of American Exception: Empire and the Deep State. Published by Skyhorse in 2022, the book is a revised version of his doctoral dissertation.
Stavroula Pabst
Stavroula Pabst is a writer, comedian, and media PhD student at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Athens, Greece. Her writing has appeared in publications including AthensLive, Reductress, Passage and The Grayzone.
Lucy Morgan Edwards
Dr Lucy Morgan Edwards worked in Kandahar during the Taliban regime and remained in Afghanistan for the initial five years of the US led intervention. She worked with UN agencies, NGO’s, as a freelance journalist and latterly was Political Advisor to the EU Ambassador. Her book, the ‘Afghan Solution; the inside story of Abdul Haq, the CIA and how western hubris lost Afghanistan’ charts her experience of the post-9/11 intervention and investigates an indigenous Peace Plan for toppling the Taliban ignored by the West. Her PhD focused on how ‘Western support to Afghan warlords between 2001-2014’ ignored local concepts of legitimacy, thus undermining peace and stability. She has published and lectured on these issues at Universities and Think Tanks.
Martin Hanson
Martin Hanson holds an honours 2.i degree in zoology (University of Manchester, 1964). He taught biology in the UK until leaving for New Zealand in 1975, where, apart from a brief return to the UK, he taught until retirement. With a background in biology, he has been aware of environmental issues, but it was not until 2004, when he was introduced to The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin and The Money Masters by Bill Still, that he fully comprehended the enormity of humanity's predicament.
Jennifer Matsui
Jennifer Matsui teaches English at a vocational college in Tokyo and contributed regularly as a freelance writer to She currently publishes her work at Playdough Republic on Substack.
Kit Klarenberg
Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist, exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions. His work has previously appeared in The Cradle, Declassified UK, Grayzone UK, and MintPress News.
Johannes Scherling
Johannes Scherling is a researcher and lecturer in English Linguistics and British Cultural Studies at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria. His research and teaching focus is on issues of neocolonialism as well as on critical media studies and propaganda studies. In particular, his interest revolves around the textual and contextual analysis of bias in news reporting of conflicts and crises and on ‘censorship by omission’. Recently, he has also started a collaboration in forensic linguistics focusing on authorship analysis of incriminating texts.
Matt Alford
Matt Alford is an author and stand-up. His doctoral outputs were on Noam Chomsky’s Propaganda Model. Subsequently, he examined two conspiracy theories – the alleged assassination of a maverick Hollywood screenwriter, then the role of the military-industrial complex in the entertainment industry – which entailed archival and interview-gathering trips to Los Angeles and Washington, DC. He co-produced and presented two feature-length documentaries based on this research, The Writer with No Hands (2014) and Theaters of War: How the Pentagon and CIA Took Hollywood (2022). In 2023, Matt spoke about Julian Assange’s legal case for the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights at the UN in Geneva, as well as at Speakers' Corner and TEDx.
Michael Riches
Michael Riches is a Canadian writer and editor based in Taipei. After receiving a master’s degree in applied linguistics in Taiwan, he worked in educational publishing before becoming a copy editor and occasional op-ed contributor at the Taipei Times. He previously worked in the Singapore and Shanghai publishing markets.
Philip Hammond
Philip Hammond is Emeritus Professor of Media & Communications at London South Bank University. His books include Climate Change and Post-Political Communication (Routledge, 2018) and Framing Post-Cold War Conflicts (Manchester University Press, 2007).
Ursula Edgington
Ursula Edgington is a qualified and experienced educationalist and adult tutor. Her specialist areas are psychosocial elements of adult learning and critical thinking skills. Ursula completed her PhD in adult education in England and is the author and editor of two academic books and numerous chapters, peer-reviewed articles and other texts focused on innovative student-centred learning. She completed a Masters in Legal Studies in 2022, majoring in Environmental Law - knowledge that supports her voluntary activism. She lives in New Zealand and works as a consultant and postgraduate mentor. A selection of her published research is available at Blog:
Randall Vanadisson
Randall Vanadisson is a writer, professional vocalist, music producer, and communication Ph.D. student at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He completed a BA in anthropology with departmental honors and an MA in sociology from the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, concentrating on social psychology, military psychological operations, perception, and linguistics. He served in the US Army’s intelligence branch from 1996-1999 and the Federal Air Marshal Service from 2002-2007. Contact Randall directly at
Johan Eddebo
Johan Eddebo is associate professor in Philosophy of Religion at Uppsala University. His research involves metaphysics, the nature of consciousness, philosophy of science, epistemology in general, as well as issues of religion and politics. The philosophy of technology and science have been important foci of his during the latter years, not least relations between digitalization and propaganda.
Julian Pigott
Dr. Julian Pigott is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Studies, Ryukoku University, and co-founder of the of Hestia (Higher Education, Sociopolitical Trends, and International Affairs) Organization. He researches and writes on media, propaganda, political theory, and linguistics.
Gavan Patrick Gray
Gavan Patrick Gray is a Professor at Tsuda University's College of Policy Studies in Tokyo where his research focuses on gender-based violence, political communication, and propaganda. He holds an MA in Intelligence & Counter-Terrorism (Macquarie) and a Phd in Politics & International Relations (Leicester). He is one of the co-founders of the Hestia academic organisation, which runs biannual conferences in East Asia that focus on a critical approach to emergent socio-political issues.
Vanessa Beeley
Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East - on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. In 2017 Vanessa was a finalist for the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism which was won by the much-acclaimed Robert Parry that year. In 2019, Vanessa was among recipients of the Serena Shim Award for uncompromised integrity in journalism. Vanessa contributes regularly to UK Column News, RT, Press TV and many independent media outlets. You can find her work at her Substack and Patreon.
Brian Martin
Brian Martin is emeritus professor of social sciences at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He has a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Sydney and then worked for ten years in applied mathematics at the Australian National University before joining the University of Wollongong. He is the author of 22 books and hundreds of articles on scientific controversies, dissent, nonviolent action, tactics against injustice, and other topics. He is vice president of Whistleblowers Australia and hosts a large website on suppression of dissent.
Eric van de Beek
Eric van de Beek is an investigative journalist. He studied journalism at Windesheim University and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. For years he worked as a journalist for Dutch leading weekly Elsevier. In recent years he contributed to Diplomat Magazine, Novini, Sputnik, Gezond Verstand anUitpers. Het currently writes for Dutch weekly De Andere Krant. In 2018 he redacted a book about disinformation in the Dutch mass media. In 2022 he published a book about the MH17 air crash in Ukraine. In 2024 a new book from Van de Beek will be come out on this topic.
Lucia Hubinska
Lucia Hubinska is a lecturer and early career researcher in the field of media and communications based at University College of Football Business (UCFB) in London. She has a master’s degree in Public Relations and Strategic Communication from the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and the University of Stirling in Scotland. Her research and teaching interests revolve around propaganda, power dynamics in social and digital media and visual communication. Lucia is a PhD candidate at Nottingham Trent University, under the supervision of Dr Colin Alexander and Dr Marco Bohr. The project focuses on the role of visual communication and propaganda during COVID-19. She is a press freedom activist and has campaigned for the release of Julian Assange.
Tabe Bergman
Born and raised in the Netherlands, Tabe Bergman was a journalist including with the Associated Press before he became an academic. After completing his PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Renmin University in Beijing. Currently he is an Associate Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China. His research examines war propaganda and journalism. He has published the monograph The Dutch Media Monopoly (2014) and has co-edited three edited volumes: Media, dissidence and the war in Ukraine (Routledge, in press); Journalism and foreign policy (Routledge, 2022); and Nepnieuwsexplosie: Desinformatie in de Nederlandse media (De Blauwe Tijger, 2018), which translates as Fake news explosion: Disinformation in the Dutch media.
Lissa Johnson
Dr. Lissa Johnson is an independent researcher who writes about the psychological aspects of public affairs, psychological operations, human rights abuse, citizenship, and the exercise and abuse of power. Her qualifications include undergraduate degrees in media studies and in behavioural science, with an honours thesis in neuroimmunology, an MA in clinical psychology, and a PhD on the psychological processes involved in manipulating reality-perception. She has written extensively on the persecution of Julian Assange and the war on Wikileaks. Her work has appeared in The Lancet, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Canberra Times, WAtoday, and New Matilda, among others. From 2003, Lissa began a practice in clinical psychology and in 2023 relinquished her psychologist registration due to repressive health practitioner legislation. In 2024, she stepped down as Director, exiting the health profession. Her current focus is on the social-psychological aspects of the Covid era, the role of military-intelligence agencies, and transhumanism.
Marilyn Langlois
Marilyn Langlois is a board member of the International Center for 9/11 Justice and member of the international TRANSCEND network for peaceful conflict transformation. She is a volunteer community organizer and international solidarity activist based in Richmond, California. A co-founder of the Richmond Progressive Alliance and member of Haiti Action Committee, she is retired from previous employment as a teacher, secretary, administrator, mediator and community advocate.
Maike Gosch
Maike Gosch is a communication strategist and former lawyer. She is the founder and director of story4good, where she has led communication and strategy projects for leading NGOs and political entities in Germany and Europe. Her extensive experience includes advising the German Green Party, Wikimedia Germany, the Stopp TTIP Campaign and the European Parliament on high-stakes issues such as Green Energy Transition, European Trade Agreements and multiple election campaigns. Maike's articles have been featured in prominent trade publications such as Politik + Kommunikation. She has taught storytelling and political communication at institutions like Quadriga Hochschule and Hamburg Media School.
John Hawkins
John Hawkins is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in publications around the world, including Rumpus, Counterpunch, The Australian, and the Morning Star. His focus is culture and the humanities and the stresses they are under. He is a former columnist for the now-defunct Prague Post and an editor for OpEd News. He has masters degrees in applied linguistics, literary studies, creative writing, and education. He is a PhD candidate in philosophy at a university in Oceania, researching the future of human consciousness in the age of AI. He can be reached at his Substack site:
Cord A. Scott
Cord A. Scott has a Doctorate in American History from Loyola University Chicago and currently serves as a Professor of history for the University of Maryland Global Campus for Asia. He is the author of Comics and Conflict, Four Colour Combat, and the Mud and the Mirth: Marine Corps comics of WWI. He has written for several encyclopedias, academic journals such as the International Journal of Comic Art, the Journal of Popular Culture, the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, and in several books on aspects of cultural history. He resides in Okinawa, Japan.