Saturday, July 27, 2024

War & Conflict


Corporate Media

The Tragedy of Yulia Skripal

Somewhere, isolated from the rest of the world, nerve agent victim Yulia Skripal recently turned 40. She miraculously survived her alleged exposure to a...


Greg Philo (1947-2024) – Researcher, Mentor, above all an empirical sociologist

I first met Greg in the summer of 1985 just after I had finished my first degree. I walked into his office, knocked on...

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Propaganda for Beginners Part 1: The Primacy-Effect

Introduction Propaganda is a well-known and effective tool for manipulating public opinion. We are familiar with the term, but many associate it — especially in...

Spy World

“In fact, it’s too good. It is so good in fact that after I pay the check, I’ll go straight into the kitchen and...

Julian Assange and the Continuing Threats to Journalism

Also to be published by the Institute for the Public Interest Like millions of people, I woke up on the 25th June, 2024 to a...

Greg Philo (1947-2024) – Researcher, Mentor, above all an empirical sociologist

I first met Greg in the summer of 1985 just after I had finished my first degree. I walked into his office, knocked on...

How “Censorship” Became “The Fight Against Disinformation” in Germany: A Story in Six Steps

Step 1: 2014 – Ukraine After the coup in Kiev in 2014, the media across the spectrum — from right to left — started reporting...

Theory & Practice

Orisanmi Burton’s ‘Tip of the Spear’: a review by Professor Jared Ball

I decenter these duly noted, juridically mediated, and scholastically authorized sources of evidence, focussing instead on “discredited,” “inadmissible,” and “untrustworthy” modes of knowledge, analysis...

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