Wednesday, February 19, 2025

NATO Member States Implement Classified “Resilience Objectives”

Governments of NATO member states implement classified 'NATO Resilience Objectives'. Dutch Minister of Public Health Fleur Agema accidently spilled the beans. She tried to...

Agitation and Integration Propaganda in the Covid Era

Introduction Typically, when we think of language as a system of communication peculiar to people in a particular social milieu, we might immediately imagine the...

Propaganda for Beginners, Part 6: Pride in Prejudice; The manipulation of perception through “pre-bunking”

(Part 6 of the series “Propaganda for Beginners”: Read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.) What is “pre-bunking” and why is it dangerous? It is a method of...

WHO’s Pulling the Strings? Covid Injections and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4:...

Abstract: Since human beings generally represent the most unpredictable element of any complex organisation, management techniques must be continually refined in the interest of...

Military Operations in Civilian Disguise, Part 3: Bio-Nano Governance and Terms of Use for...

Abstract: Since government must be involved in the accumulation of capital to legitimate its activities, and since humans are, in the eyes of government,...
Baby Machine

Transhumanist Futures, Part 2: Humanity in the Crosshairs

Abstract: The Transhumanist campaign against humanity, we have outlined in Part 1, is part and parcel of a sophisticated long-game strategy waged against bodies...

Bringing Transhumanism Down to Earth, Part 1: Military Intelligence Operations Cloaked in the False...

“All of our exalted technological progress, civilization for that matter, is comparable to an axe in the hand of a pathological criminal”. — Albert Einstein,...
Defibrilator Paddles

Resuscitating the Comatose: The Defibrillating Fine Art of John Whitehead

Introduction Michelangelo mastered mannerism, Georges Seurat pointillism, Vincent Van Gogh impressionism, Edvard Munch expressionism, and Pablo Picasso cubism. The multiplicity of movements developed by countless...
The Worst Thing About Censorship

Misinformation or Public Debate?

Introduction In recent years, there has been an upsurge of concern about online misinformation and disinformation, with efforts to thwart it. In many cases, claims...
Joe Biden and Boris Johnson at G7 Summit

Cockup or Conspiracy: Understanding COVID-19 as a ‘Structural Deep Event’

(Updated July 2023 based upon article originally published by PANDA in March 2022) It has been three years since COVID-19 emerged as a dominant and,...