Saturday, July 27, 2024
Aaron Bushnell's Vigil

Understanding Aaron Bushnell’s Suicide Outside the Israeli Embassy

Introduction On Sunday 25 February, US Air Force serviceman Aaron Bushnell, 25, set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. He did...

The Johan Galtung Approach to Taboo Topics

Published simultaneously with The International Center for 9/11 Justice A topic that is virtually never allowed to be addressed within the hallowed halls of academia...

Hong Kong is Unrelated to Taiwan’s Fate

A common theme in news cycles related to Taiwan is how China’s ruthless response to the Hong Kong protests in 2019 and 2020 demonstrated...
Israel War Crimes

Stoned Age in the Counterrevolution

I read this morning that the USA and the UK are hitting dozens of Houthi positions in Yemen. I don't know whether this is...
Biden and Jinping

American Hegemony, the Real Obstacle to Taiwan Peace

There is a condition known in psychology as folie à deux, “a madness of two,” in which a closely related couple experiences a conjoined psychosis....

Bellingcat attacks Bonanza Media

Editors' Note: Controversy over the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has persisted with the West and its allies blaming the pro-Russian separatists in...
Zelensky and Israel

Volodymyr Zelensky: Pathological Hater

Signs of some kind of pathology are surely present from the get-go when we are talking about a Jewish comedian who has chosen to...
Biden and Zelensky

Long and Windy End to December 2024

(Written on September 26) Along with some other non-mainstream analysts, I had formed the impression earlier in the summer of this year - taking into...
Risk Europe

Ukraine War: Where Propaganda and Geostrategy Meet

There have been various events and political processes in the last year that have caught many observers and analysts of international relations and geopolitics...
Lloyd Austin and Jens Stoltenberg

Imagine There’s No Heaven, Nor NATO USA

Jeffrey Sachs certainly has many interesting things to teach us about the history of Western-Russian relations, particularly around the time of Gorbachev's fateful transition...