Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Whose Disinformation Is It Anyway? BBC vs Critical Academics

BBC Radio recently broadcast a File on 4 programme called Ukraine: The Disinformation War, promoted with the strapline ‘British academics accused of sharing Russian...

Far-Right Extremists and Neo-Nazis are Everywhere (but some are more ‘worthy’ than others)

February 2022 was a crucial turning point in human affairs. For two years, all matters Covid-19 dominated the public sphere, yet within a few...
Editing A Paper

While the Millions Die: How I Learned To Stop Worrying That Our Media Can...

This article draws upon research originally conducted by: Alan MacLeod, Daniel Broudy, Jeffrey Klaehn, and Florian Zollmann and builds upon an earlier piece published...
Matt Alford at United Nations

Why We Must Fix the Media – and Save the World

Imagine if you will… An evil dictator is on the brink of making a nuclear bomb at a secret facility carved deep inside the Zagros mountains....

The Politics of Suicide

It is an unwritten rule of news reporting that suicides in general should not be reported on, and when they are, this should be...
Horse Blinders Propaganda

In A Compromised Media Environment, Western Intelligence Agencies Escalate NATO’s Proxy War In Ukraine...

The NATO Proxy War: A Bird’s Eye View As winter bites, the current NATO proxy war that has raged for almost a year shows no...
Girl Injured in Gaza

The Warped Logic of Douglas Murray

Sooner rather than later, every student of propaganda has to face the fact that a lot of what the propagandist says is not designed...
Dr. Cees J. Hamelink

‘We Are a Nation of Shopkeepers’

Abstract Professor Cees Hamelink has been a rare critical voice in Dutch and international communication scholarship for the last half a century. His work has...
The Hague Netherlands OPCW

Deception through omission: ‘The War on the OPCW’

An academic paper from the University of New South Wales in Australia describes four incidents where a virtual firehose of Russian propaganda was directed...
Aaron Bushnell's Vigil

Understanding Aaron Bushnell’s Suicide Outside the Israeli Embassy

Introduction On Sunday 25 February, US Air Force serviceman Aaron Bushnell, 25, set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. He did...