Saturday, July 27, 2024

Between Administration and Society: Camus, Plagues, and Coronavirus

Abstract: This article examines the relevance of Albert Camus’s novel, The Plague, for understanding the rationales and actions taken by state actors in the CoVid-19 crisis. Because...

Symposium: Prospects for Rights in the COVID-19 Times

Editors’ Note: There is no shortage of scholars who have come out publicly to say that the story of COVID-19 is a story about...

The Covid-19 Concoction: A Recipe for Successful Psychological Operations

Abstract: When viewed as a war story, the COVID-19 narrative framed in corporate media urges citizens to be on a constant “war footing” and...
Joe Biden and Boris Johnson at G7 Summit

Cockup or Conspiracy: Understanding COVID-19 as a ‘Structural Deep Event’

(Updated July 2023 based upon article originally published by PANDA in March 2022) It has been three years since COVID-19 emerged as a dominant and,...

The Covid-19 Pandemic: Destroying Human Bonds and Health as Central to a Larger Agenda

As of this writing, the world approaches the second anniversary of the declared Covid-19 pandemic. In these two years, we have collectively experienced what...
CNN and Coronavirus

Ivermectin and Televised Mainstream News: A Case Study of Propaganda

Abstract Televised mainstream news (TMN) may be relaying intentionally misleading descriptions and narratives that are effectively synonymous with propaganda. This study proposes that TMN knowingly...

What we don’t know is killing us: The urgency of propaganda study under COVID

For those of us who study propaganda critically, and seek to do this all-important work as public intellectuals, these last two years have been...

Minimization of Harm

I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has...

Deafening Silences: propaganda through censorship, smearing and coercion

(Also published at the start of the COVID event, authorities around the world have sought to implement quite extraordinary policies including the so-called...

Global Health and the Art of Really Big Lies

(Also published by Brownstone Institute and PANDA.) Prologue: The art of Really Big Lies In a former role I had a boss who lied a lot....