Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Society Free Speech & Censorship

Free Speech & Censorship

Deafening Silences: propaganda through censorship, smearing and coercion

(Also published at the start of the COVID event, authorities around the world have sought to implement quite extraordinary policies including the so-called...
Big Brother

The End of Canada: The Shift from Democracy to Totalitarian Behaviour in the ‘Pandemic...

Introduction March 2024 marks the fourth anniversary of one of the most disastrous assaults on human rights in Canadian history. This assault was in synch...

Counter-Disinformation Fails: Feedback from a Target

Introduction As someone who has quite often been publicly accused of purveying disinformation, I have had reason to examine the burgeoning phenomenon of counter disinformation experts who...
9/11 Fireman

Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions in the Twin Towers

Editors’ Note Professor Graeme MacQueen was a leading figure for many scholars and journalists seeking to investigate properly the events of 9/11. Graeme represented scholarship...
Downtown Tehran

Understanding the Iranian Narrative

On 26 June 2022 Zar Amir Ebrahimi won the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in the film Holy...
Freedom of Expression Denied

Threats to Freedom of Expression: Covid-19, the ‘fact checking counter-disinformation industry’, and online harm...

(Also published by PANDA and at PANDA substack) We are living through an era in which freedom of expression is evaporating. Numerous scientists have been...
Sunak and Netanyahu

The Israel Lobby and its influence over British political decision-making

Writing an article on Israel can be perceived as having additional risks to a similar publication made on the critical discussion of any other...

Katharine Gun on Julian Assange

In a few days, Home Secretary Priti Patel will announce whether or not Wikileaks Founder, journalist and publisher Julian Assange should be extradited to...
Silencing The Academics

Symposium: Silencing the Academics

If COINTELPRO, a government-sponsored program from the 1950s to the 1970s, was meant to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” alternative perspectives on...
Myrotvorets Logo

Shifting Standards: Western Media and the Ukrainian ‘Myrotvorets’ Hit List

As war rages, Ukrainian blacklist Myrotvorets, which means “Peacemaker” in Ukrainian, continues to add to its website the names of activists, politicians, journalists, and...