Saturday, July 27, 2024
Ouroboros and Disinformation

The Real Problem of Disinformation

According to the UK Government, which has set up a dedicated Counter-Disinformation Unit, there is a ‘danger that hostile actors use online disinformation to undermine our...

Katharine Gun on Julian Assange

In a few days, Home Secretary Priti Patel will announce whether or not Wikileaks Founder, journalist and publisher Julian Assange should be extradited to...

Propaganda and Trauma

Geoff was on the 106th Floor of the World Trade Centre’s north tower. The attacks on America of September 11th 2001 were viewed in real-time by...
Greg Philo

Greg Philo (1947-2024) – Researcher, Mentor, above all an empirical sociologist

I first met Greg in the summer of 1985 just after I had finished my first degree. I walked into his office, knocked on...

How the Sept 11th victims’ families search for answers was met with Stonewalling, Lies and...

Introduction On November 24, 2007, September 11th widow Lorie Van Auken whose husband Kenneth W. Van Auken had died in the North Tower spoke before an...

Press or propaganda? How Western-propped media groups drive public opinion, policy, and regime change...

Originally published at The intelligence community’s “color revolution” playbook is simple: spur protests in foreign countries, make them appear organic and popular, and then...
Israeli Propaganda Cartoon

Hasbara: ‘Israel’s’ Propaganda Policy

(Originally published at Al Mayadeen.) The Hebrew term hasbara literally means ‘explanation’ and is a euphemism within "Israel" for a formal policy of pro-"Israel" evangelism, apologism, and...
Downtown Tehran

Understanding the Iranian Narrative

On 26 June 2022 Zar Amir Ebrahimi won the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in the film Holy...
9/11 Fireman

Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions in the Twin Towers

Editors’ Note Professor Graeme MacQueen was a leading figure for many scholars and journalists seeking to investigate properly the events of 9/11. Graeme represented scholarship...
Julian Assange Mural

Julian Assange and the Continuing Threats to Journalism

Also to be published by the Institute for the Public Interest Like millions of people, I woke up on the 25th June, 2024 to a...