Saturday, July 27, 2024
Big Brother

The End of Canada: The Shift from Democracy to Totalitarian Behaviour in the ‘Pandemic...

Introduction March 2024 marks the fourth anniversary of one of the most disastrous assaults on human rights in Canadian history. This assault was in synch...
Peaceful Hearts Doctor

Manifesto for Peace Media in the 21st Century

Professors and researchers in the field of communication launch a manifesto calling for the media to serve peace. In the midst of an upsurge of...
Silencing The Academics

Symposium: Silencing the Academics

If COINTELPRO, a government-sponsored program from the 1950s to the 1970s, was meant to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” alternative perspectives on...
Aaron Bushnell's Vigil

Understanding Aaron Bushnell’s Suicide Outside the Israeli Embassy

Introduction On Sunday 25 February, US Air Force serviceman Aaron Bushnell, 25, set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. He did...
Sunak and Netanyahu

The Israel Lobby and its influence over British political decision-making

Writing an article on Israel can be perceived as having additional risks to a similar publication made on the critical discussion of any other...
The Worst Thing About Censorship

Misinformation or Public Debate?

Introduction In recent years, there has been an upsurge of concern about online misinformation and disinformation, with efforts to thwart it. In many cases, claims...
John Pilger

Journalist and Film Maker John Pilger 1939-2023

In the worlds of journalism and political activism, John Pilger stands out as one of the greatest and most courageous voices of our time....
Tucker Carlson

Taking Tucker Carlson Seriously, Part Two: Exit the Empire, Enter the Death Star

(This article is the second installment of the series "Taking Tucker Carlson Seriously." Part One can be read here.) "We're doing what we've always...
Holiday Donation

Holiday Funding Drive

Dear Readers, We have just reached our 100th article published since launching Propaganda in Focus back in May 2022, and our YouTube channel is ready to launch...
Attica prison riot memorial

Orisanmi Burton’s ‘Tip of the Spear’: a review by Professor Jared Ball

I decenter these duly noted, juridically mediated, and scholastically authorized sources of evidence, focussing instead on “discredited,” “inadmissible,” and “untrustworthy” modes of knowledge, analysis...