Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Plato’s Wine Cave

“The opposite of knowledge is not ignorance, but deceit and fraud” -Jean Baudrillard If you look at whatever current ‘thing’ is trending right now in the...
A Murder Is Announced By Agatha Christie

Propaganda for Beginners, Part 4: Propaganda Techniques Inspired by Crime Writing

Part 4 of the series: Propaganda for Beginners. Read Parts 1, 2, and 3. Teaser What do the techniques of crime writers, who want to...
Benjamin Netanyahu portrait

Propaganda in the Interpretations and Representations of the Gaza War

The event that began with the Hamas attack on Israel was narrated in Western mass media and mainstream politics as shocking the world by...

The Tail Wags the Dog: Governance by Narrative Control

Propaganda is endemic to politics, economics, and culture in mass society. Any attempt to make sense of the modern world must take propaganda into...

What we don’t know is killing us: The urgency of propaganda study under COVID

For those of us who study propaganda critically, and seek to do this all-important work as public intellectuals, these last two years have been...

Between Administration and Society: Camus, Plagues, and Coronavirus

Abstract: This article examines the relevance of Albert Camus’s novel, The Plague, for understanding the rationales and actions taken by state actors in the CoVid-19 crisis. Because...

Do We Need a Popular Front Against Contemporary Fascism?

‘Fascism’ today is an invective and a tool of propaganda rather than a concept helping us to understand matters. Yet the lockdowns in the name of...
Attica prison riot memorial

Orisanmi Burton’s ‘Tip of the Spear’: a review by Professor Jared Ball

I decenter these duly noted, juridically mediated, and scholastically authorized sources of evidence, focussing instead on “discredited,” “inadmissible,” and “untrustworthy” modes of knowledge, analysis...
Girl Wearing Virtual Reality Headset

Guy Debord’s Warning of “The Role of the Expert”: A Philosophical Perspective on the...

Abstract Why are we bombarded by fact-checks and “anti-disinformation” efforts in our timeline scrolls? When one reads news, further, they often find that “experts” are...
Jurgen Habermas Portrait

Cancelling Habermas

On Feb. 15, 2023, left-liberal newspaper Die Zeit published an op-ed by Eva Illouz with the meaningful title ‘I long for a total victory’...