Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Russia-Ukraine-USA/NATO Part IV: From War to Peace

This article is Part IV in a series of six addressing the Ukraine war, war propaganda and peace journalism. It is also published in...

Russia-Ukraine-USA/NATO Part III: From Peace to War

(Note from the Editors: This article is Part III of a series of six which will be published on a weekly basis; A version...

Thoughts about Weapons in the Context of the NATO-Russia War

A common motif to the narrative of NATO conflict in Ukraine has to do with war profiteering by the arms industries. There is absolutely nothing...

Russia-Ukraine-USA/NATO Part II: From Peace to War

Part I of this series on the relations between Russia, Ukraine and the US (NATO) presented the general context, the key questions and the...

Russia-Ukraine-USA/NATO Part I: From Propaganda and War to Peace Journalism and Conflict Resolution

(Note from the Editors: This article is Part I of a series of six which will be published on a weekly basis; A version...

Models of War Propaganda and Media

The Study of Propaganda The formal study of propaganda is impregnated with academic discourses from literature (including rhetoric and narrative), linguistics (semiotics), sociolinguistics (discourse), psychology...

The “Best Evidence” Contradicting The Official Position on 9/11: Excerpts from 9/11 Unmasked: An...

“The 9/11 attacks ushered in a new age of propaganda about terrorism. Those events, and the resulting “war on terror,” profoundly increased the value...

Propaganda and Engineering Perception in the West Russia Conflict

In the history of politically organised society, propaganda serves as a tool for engineering public perception, opinion and reaction to events by creating an...