Saturday, July 27, 2024

Russia-Ukraine-USA/NATO Part IV: From War to Peace

This article is Part IV in a series of six addressing the Ukraine war, war propaganda and peace journalism. It is also published in...
Jurgen Habermas Portrait

Cancelling Habermas

On Feb. 15, 2023, left-liberal newspaper Die Zeit published an op-ed by Eva Illouz with the meaningful title ‘I long for a total victory’...
Biden and Zelensky

Long and Windy End to December 2024

(Written on September 26) Along with some other non-mainstream analysts, I had formed the impression earlier in the summer of this year - taking into...
Biden and Austin

Ukraine’s (In)dependence Day: Utter Dependence on Neocon Death Lust

Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day on August 24 - this is also the anniversary of the launch of its counteroffensive last year on Kherson...

Propaganda and Engineering Perception in the West Russia Conflict

In the history of politically organised society, propaganda serves as a tool for engineering public perception, opinion and reaction to events by creating an...

Nordstream Pipeline Sabotage: The Propaganda of Interpretation and (Mis)Representation

On 26 September 2022, a series of underwater explosions in Danish and Swedish territorial waters were registered on the Nordtream gas pipelines that ran...
Zelensky walking through rubble

Diplomatic, Economic and Military Deficits

A statement on Ukraine from the Quad (US, Australia, Japan, and India) seems to reflect India’s continuing irritation with the behavior of the western...
Aaron Bushnell's Vigil

Understanding Aaron Bushnell’s Suicide Outside the Israeli Embassy

Introduction On Sunday 25 February, US Air Force serviceman Aaron Bushnell, 25, set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. He did...

Thoughts about Weapons in the Context of the NATO-Russia War

A common motif to the narrative of NATO conflict in Ukraine has to do with war profiteering by the arms industries. There is absolutely nothing...
Israel War Crimes

Stoned Age in the Counterrevolution

I read this morning that the USA and the UK are hitting dozens of Houthi positions in Yemen. I don't know whether this is...