Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Aaron Bushnell's Vigil

Understanding Aaron Bushnell’s Suicide Outside the Israeli Embassy

Introduction On Sunday 25 February, US Air Force serviceman Aaron Bushnell, 25, set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. He did...

Bellingcat attacks Bonanza Media

Editors' Note: Controversy over the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has persisted with the West and its allies blaming the pro-Russian separatists in...
Israel War Crimes

Stoned Age in the Counterrevolution

I read this morning that the USA and the UK are hitting dozens of Houthi positions in Yemen. I don't know whether this is...
Sunak and Netanyahu

The Israel Lobby and its influence over British political decision-making

Writing an article on Israel can be perceived as having additional risks to a similar publication made on the critical discussion of any other...
Girl Injured in Gaza

The Warped Logic of Douglas Murray

Sooner rather than later, every student of propaganda has to face the fact that a lot of what the propagandist says is not designed...
Lloyd Austin and Jens Stoltenberg

Imagine There’s No Heaven, Nor NATO USA

Jeffrey Sachs certainly has many interesting things to teach us about the history of Western-Russian relations, particularly around the time of Gorbachev's fateful transition...
Israel Fires Artillery Into Gaza

Fog over Gaza: Examining 12 lingering questions on the conflict

It is now a month since the shocking events, and more shocking aftermath, of the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas. In its...
Benjamin Netanyahu portrait

Propaganda in the Interpretations and Representations of the Gaza War

The event that began with the Hamas attack on Israel was narrated in Western mass media and mainstream politics as shocking the world by...
The Hague Netherlands OPCW

Deception through omission: ‘The War on the OPCW’

An academic paper from the University of New South Wales in Australia describes four incidents where a virtual firehose of Russian propaganda was directed...
Biden and Zelensky

Long and Windy End to December 2024

(Written on September 26) Along with some other non-mainstream analysts, I had formed the impression earlier in the summer of this year - taking into...