Saturday, July 27, 2024
Kate Starbird

Academic Complicity in the Censorship Industry: The Case of Kate Starbird

The U.S. Congress has recently heard a report from the House Judiciary Committee which presents disturbing allegations about U.S. Government involvement in surveillance and...

Propaganda in Academia

Introduction What does propaganda have to do with academic research and teaching? Citizens can reasonably expect the academic community to generate scholarly understanding and public...

How Universities Control the Narrative

The Corporate Playbook: Strategies and Impact on Academia In this article, I expose how and why universities control the narrative, including the practical ways institutional...
Fake or Fact?

Who Guards NewsGuard? Academics asleep on the job

Recently, I was reading ‘an important paper’ recommended by a philosopher who specialises in epistemology (the study of how we know what we think...

The Perils of Studying Propaganda

Researching and writing about propaganda can be tricky. It is not particularly popular amongst mainstream academics who sometimes become tetchy when confronted with the...
Silencing The Academics

Symposium: Silencing the Academics

If COINTELPRO, a government-sponsored program from the 1950s to the 1970s, was meant to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” alternative perspectives on...
Dr. Cees J. Hamelink

‘We Are a Nation of Shopkeepers’

Abstract Professor Cees Hamelink has been a rare critical voice in Dutch and international communication scholarship for the last half a century. His work has...
The Hague Netherlands OPCW

Deception through omission: ‘The War on the OPCW’

An academic paper from the University of New South Wales in Australia describes four incidents where a virtual firehose of Russian propaganda was directed...

Democracy Lost: Propaganda, Character Assassination and the Campaign Against Professor David Miller

On October 1st 2021, the University of Bristol decided to buckle in the face of a near 3 year-long militant Zionist campaign and fire Professor...
Peaceful Hearts Doctor

Manifesto for Peace Media in the 21st Century

Professors and researchers in the field of communication launch a manifesto calling for the media to serve peace. In the midst of an upsurge of...